5787 Port Hudson Pride Road Slaughter, LA 70777
Your one stop shop for the best in traffic control and safety products. We provide high quality, durable products at a price that makes them affordable and attractive to buyers in the industry. Our company sells a complete line of traffic construction signs, traffic barricades, channelizers, delineators, traffic cones, and other traffic related safety products. We specialize in providing services and products to municipal and governmental agencies, private contractors and other companies in need of traffic control products.
Wanco’s Large Solar Light Towers provide more power for longer run times and longer stretches of autonomous operation. These models provide bright lighting for areas up to 10,000 square feet. Common applications include mining, construction and large properties with expansive areas. These light towers feature four high-efficiency, high-output LED light fixtures on a 30‑foot telescoping tower for broad coverage. Autonomous operation is possible year-round in most typical locations.